Paintings by Koko

Gallery 1: Lovers!

These paintings invite you to images of couples and their union. Please explore…

Acrylic on box canvas, ready to hang | 30.5 x 30.5 cm

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This abstract image titled Midnight Birds depicts a couple caged together.

Gallery 2: Light!

The images here explore light energy.

Acrylic on box canvas, ready to hang | 30.5 x 30.5 cm

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Butterfly in a colourful state, titled “Light Transformation”. It symbolises a positive change.

Gallery 3: Colours of the Sahara

Here, Koko invites you to images inspired by the Saharan desert, its colours and people…

Acrylic on Stretched Canvas, ready to hang | Size 30 x 40 cm |

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This abstract piece called "People" features the colours and clothes of the Sahara, but not necessarily her soul.

Gallery 4: Traps and Chains

These paintings invite you to images that explore traps and luck of freedom.

Acrylic on Stretched Canvas, ready to hang | Size 30 x 40 cm

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This image shows a butterfly being pulled down by a rock. It is titled “Transformed but Unable to Fly”.

Gallery 5: Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers 2

Image 1 of 2

Acrylic on canvas board, 13 x 18 cm

I hope you enjoyed viewing these paintings. Most of these paintings are also available for sell.